The Public Commission under the Otandastar Qory

  • The Public Commission under the Otandastar Qory (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a permanently functioning advisory body. The main goal of the commission is to discuss issues related to the support of kandas and compatriots abroad and to provide suggestions and recommendations to relevant government authorities.
  • The duties of the commission include:
  • – Discussion of issues concerning Kazakhs abroad and current issues of state policy regarding the support of compatriots.
  • – Proposing improvements to legislation.
  • – Expressing public interests in discussions at the state level regarding issues concerning overseas compatriots and repatriates arriving in the country.
  • The Chairman of the commission is Murat Baktiyaruly, Doctor of Political Sciences, public figure, former Chairman of the Committee on Social, Cultural Development, and Science of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • The commission includes state and public figures, senators of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhussup Nurtore Baytilesovich and Darkhan Kydyrali, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Isa Qazybek Zharlyqasynovich, external advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economic Sciences Batyrsya-uly Sailau, director of the Scientific Research Institute of Turkology and Altai Studies, Karzhaubay Sartkozhaevich, and other renowned scholars, political scientists, and experts.
  • In 2019, the commission held 3 sessions on issues related to the support and repatriation of Kazakhs abroad, followed by 2 sessions in 2020, 2 sessions in 2021, 1 session in 2022, and 2 sessions in 2023. In total, the commission discussed 36 questions on relevant issues concerning compatriots during its sessions. In accordance with all the protocol decisions of the public commission, suggestions and recommendations on particularly relevant issues were forwarded to the concerned government authorities.
  • Some of the topics discussed include:
  • – The issue of determining the national belonging of foreign Kazakhs.
  • – Support for Kazakh cultural centers abroad: a global example and the experience of Kazakhstan.
  • – The distribution of Kazakhstani television programs abroad (within the competence of the Society), including the possibility of free and justified distribution of channels/programs.
  • – Optimizing the mechanism for Kazakhstani citizens abroad to take the Unified National Testing (UNT) or providing other alternative testing methods.
  • – Opening adaptation and integration centers for compatriots in all regions.
  • – Discussion of the Concept of Migration Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2027.
  • – Turkmenistan-Northern Kazakhstan-Mangystau: resettlement issues.
  • – Some issues related to ethnic repatriation and the blood status of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Migration of the Population».