Studying in foundation faculties of Kazakhstan universities

10 August, 2020

Dear applicants, The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan calls the persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for studying in foundation faculties of Kazakhstan universities and the citizens of Kazakhstan to study at language courses.


For diaspora – 1300

Language courses – 200

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, documents for participation in the unified national testing for admission to foundation faculty are accepted online through the website of the Bologna process and academic mobility center of MES RK.

    Apply period - 5 August - 5 September 2020 on the website
    Step-by-step instruction

    Required documents:

1. application for admission in any form;

2. copy of identity document;

3. a copy of the document on secondary general (general secondary), primary vocational (technical and vocational), vocational (post-secondary) education and transcript (in Kazakh or Russian or English);

4. medical certificate in the form 086-U in electronic format (if available).

All information on the website

Contact information:

Phone: +7 10 (7172) 28 75 26


Studying in foundation faculties of Kazakhstan universities