Learn Kazakh – Strengthen Your Cultural Connection!
📢 Dear compatriots!
Continuing its mission to promote the Kazakh language, the Otandastar Foundation will launch a new series of free online Kazakh language courses starting in March 2025!
Language is not only a mirror of the nation but also a tool to better understand your own history. This course will help expand your cultural and linguistic horizons.
Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate by meeting the following requirements:
📖 Interactive lessons designed for you;
🎥 Engaging video materials and literary works.
The online Kazakh language course is offered in A1, A2, B1, and B2 levels for English-speaking and Russian-speaking audiences.
To register and join the course, take a placement test using the links below:
Russian version:
English version:
Maximum score: 76 ✅
For Russian-speaking audiences:
📌 Scores up to 16 – join A1 group
📌 Scores from 16 to 32 – join A2 group
📌 Scores from 32 to 60 – join B1 group
📌 Scores above 60 – join B2 group
For English-speaking audiences:
📌 Scores up to 16 – join A1 group
📌 Scores from 16 to 50 – join A2 group
📌 Scores above 50 – join B1 group
Kazakh language audience:
A1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BYrfoXUCpL7IUbs6DCTtYK
A2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IRN2Qvb4oqCDxCfiQjohJH
B1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/B79O1rvqaXE9hr2wKXQVkZ
Russian-speaking audience:
А1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JBAhw6no3nR0yFbJTXXVK5
А2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LIJxacsU9b4IFzsVLuM3Wd
В1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CNcJNKgG3aC2hwuQeff4Th
B2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HktCkmpjRJkAUQNRQNJSfP
Once you join the WhatsApp group, please wait for the instructor’s guidelines. The instructor will send the schedule after all participants complete the placement test. The online Kazakh language course is scheduled to begin in March 2025.
🇰🇿📲 For inquiries:
Contact us at +7 708 923 41 64.
💬 Learn Kazakh and open doors to new opportunities!