A Meeting with Representatives of the Kazakh Diaspora Held in Seoul  

03 December, 2024

On November 30, 2024, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Korea, the President of the NJSC Otandastar Qory Daniyar Kadyrov, held a meeting with representatives of the Kazakh diaspora in Seoul. The event was organized to preserve the national values of Kazakhs abroad and strengthen ties with Kazakhstan.  

During the meeting, the Head of the Qazaq Nomad organization, Zhanat Kadyrova, proposed holding A Kurutay of Kazakhs from Asian countries in Seoul in April 2025. This initiative represents a significant step towards enhancing cooperation among diaspora members and strengthening cultural connections.  

As part of the event, letters of appreciation from the Otandastar Qory were presented to Zhanat Kadyrova Head of Qazaq Nomad And Nazgul Karabayeva, Head of the Tomiris organization, and other active members of the diaspora. These awards were given in recognition of their efforts in promoting Kazakh culture and traditions abroad, supporting youth, and fostering spiritual connections within the diaspora.  

Participants of the meeting discussed the importance of hosting cultural events more frequently, supporting youth initiatives, and strengthening cultural, educational, and economic ties with Kazakhstan. Additionally, they explored ways to leverage the professional achievements of Kazakhs abroad to promote business cooperation between the two countries.  

The meeting was held in an open and friendly atmosphere, providing a new impetus for strengthening collaboration among diaspora members, exchanging experiences, and implementing joint projects.

A Meeting with Representatives of the Kazakh Diaspora Held in Seoul