"Otandastar Qory" NJSC announces a creative competition among university/ collage/ school students from representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living abroad, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Great Teacher of kazakh nation Akhmet Baitursynuly.

01 September, 2022

Terms and conditions of the Contest:
1. Record a video about the biography and works of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Also, reading an excerpt from any of his works;

2. Pass the quiz on knowing the biography and works of Ahmet Baitursynuly from the television series "Akhmet. Ult ustazy" from October 10 to 20; Individual test tasks were created for pupil and students.

3. The contest will be held in Kazakh, Russian, English and Turkish languages.

Competition requirements:
1.  The duration of the video at least 5 minutes;

2. Make sure that your speech is clear and distinct;

3. Select suitable background for contest;

4. The participants are students of university and school ages      (ethnic Kazakhs);

5. Tag us on one of these social networks:   
     - @otandastar_qory;
     - @OtandastarQory; 
     - @otandastarqory;
      use hashtag #ultustazy150 and and specify your full name with country of residence


"Otandastar Qory" NJSC announces a creative competition among university/ collage/ school students from representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living abroad, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Great Teacher of kazakh nation Akhmet Baitursynuly.