In case of not earning enough points to pass the UNT, students have the right to take a creative exam, keeping the score of 3 mandatory subjects.
Creative areas: art, drawing, physical education and journalism.
Candidates can participate to the scholarship competition by adding the score of creativity test to the score of 3 mandatory subjects.
Applications from applicants for the creative exam are accepted from June 20 to July 7 of the calendar year.
In case of not having the opportunity to enter the university, ethnic kazakhs can apply to colleges.
Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 № 578. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 7, 2018 № 17705.
In general, 4% quota of the Republican grant is given to ethnic Kazakhs.
Applications for admission to colleges are accepted from June 20 to August 25.
The exam passes two compulsory subjects (Kazakh or Russian, history of Kazakhstan) and 2 profile subjects.