Applications for the Urker 2020 National award are still being accepted!

02 November, 2020

The national award is awarded for the best achievements in the field of print, radio and online journalism, aimed at improving the status of journalism, setting professional standards and criteria that contribute to its development.

The aim of the contest is to identify talented journalists and creative teams, pay tribute to their contribution to the development of professional journalism, and support Kazakh-language media abroad.

This year, due to global changes, the national Urker award will be held in the fall. Applications are accepted until November 5, 2020.

This year, a special nomination dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the international news Agency "Kazinform"is provided for Kazakh-language media abroad.

To participate in the contest, candidates must send their materials to!

Good luck to you all bro!

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Applications for the Urker 2020 National award are still being accepted!