Compatriots in Switzerland announced a scholarship for doctors

03 August, 2020

KAZAKH-SWEISS ASSOCIATION the Swiss BIRLIK Association has announced the UNITED for HEALTH scholarship program.

Medical students, young doctors and other specialists in Kazakhstan can apply for a scholarship.

In order to protect the health of the population during the pandemic, 45 people aged 18 to 35 years will receive a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 100 thousand tenge.

The scholarship is aimed at stimulating volunteer, academic, scientific, professional, social and volunteer activities. Participants from different regions of the country are determined.

Submit an application yourself:

Fill out the online application form at the following link;

- Making a copy of the candidate's identity card;

- Making a written appeal in Kazakh or Russian on the topic "my contribution to overcoming the challenges of the pandemic in Kazakhstan" (the appeal should include ideas of projects and initiatives based on individual or collective experience);

- Additional documents such as a certificate, certificate, publication, letter of recommendation and links confirming social activity and volunteering must be registered.
Applications are accepted until August 31, 2020, and the final results will be announced in September.

If you have any questions, write to

Compatriots in Switzerland announced a scholarship for doctors