Vice-Minister of IIOR of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Azilkhanov met with the leadership of the Otandastar Foundation NJSC

25 August, 2020

On August 25 this year, Vice Minister of Information and Social Development Marat Azilkhanov met with the management of the Otandastar Foundation.

The meeting discussed the functioning of the Otandastar Foundation, individual areas of work and plans for the current year. In addition, the meeting participants discussed the opening of cultural and business houses in 5 countries (the Russian Federation in Omsk, Turkey in Istanbul, Germany in Berlin, Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek, Uzbekistan (Tashkent) and the activities of online classes on the study of the Kazakh language by compatriots abroad.

Vice-President of the Otandastar Foundation Magauiya Sarbasov announced further plans, noting that work continues on concluding memorandums of joint work of the Fund with public organizations of Kazakhs in foreign countries.

There are currently 62 such memorandums in 25 countries. M. Sarbasov also spoke about the activities of 22 online classes operating in 12 countries and covering more than 800 people.

In turn, Marat Azilkhanov drew the attention of the meeting participants to the content of the activities of cultural and business houses and the continuation of work to increase online classes for learning the Kazakh language in foreign countries.

Vice-Minister of IIOR of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Azilkhanov met with the leadership of the Otandastar Foundation NJSC