Otandastar Foundation took part in the expert discussion "Working with the Diaspora: New Formats"

16 May, 2020

The Otandastar Foundation took part in the expert discussion “Working with the Diaspora: New Formats”, which was organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was also attended by researchers and leading experts of the KISS, a researcher at the NAO Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development "Rukhani Zhagyru" Mukhtar Baimagulov, Chairman of the Board of the Omsk Regional Public Organization "Kazakhs of Omsk" Kuanysh Eleutaev, Director of the Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology Ziyabek Kabuldinov, Darkhan Mgaitbasov, president of the Kazakhstani club "Nomad" at New York University, and other experts.

During the event, the current state of work with the Kazakh diaspora abroad, the main trends in diaspora politics based on the experience of foreign countries were discussed.

During the discussion, Magauya Sarbasov, Vice-President of the Otandastar Foundation, presented the current state of work with the Kazakh diaspora.

“During the 5th World Kurultai of Kazakhs Elbasy, Nursultan Nazarbayev gave a number of specific instructions to support Kazakhs abroad. Thus, the Otandastar Foundation, together with the World Association of Kazakhs, continues to carry out systematic work to support ethnic Kazakhs abroad and compatriots who have returned to their historical homeland. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted an Action Plan to support ethnic Kazakhs abroad for 2018-2022, and an Interdepartmental Commission headed by the Deputy Prime Minister was created. As a result of analytical studies, the necessary information and materials, justifications and recommendations for a set of measures of socio-economic support for our compatriots have been formed. In total, as a result of the research, 246 recommendations were prepared, ”said Magauiya Sarbasov.

Also, during the expert discussion, the participants discussed the mediation potential of the Kazakh diaspora in establishing economic and socio-cultural cooperation, issues of the Kazakh diaspora as an instrument of Kazakhstan's "soft power" in foreign policy, and also reviewed analytical studies in the field of Kazakhstan's diaspora policy.

Otandastar Foundation took part in the expert discussion "Working with the Diaspora: New Formats"