The presentation of nine books published as part of the "Uly Dala 2024" series will take place

22 January 2025

The Otandastar Qory in collaboration with the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, will host a ceremony to present nine books published as part of the international creative competition for Kazakh writers and poets living abroad, Uly Dala 2024.

We cordially invite you to be an honored guest at this event, which will take place on January 22, 2025, at 15:00.

List of published books:

  1. Қобданың қоңыр желі (poems, ballads, reflections) – Rysbek Zurganbayuly (Mongolia);
  2. Үркер ауып барады (poems) – Zulkaphil Maulitululy (Mongolia);
  3. Тәжікстандағы қазақтар (historical and educational work) – Abdusattar Nuraliev (Tajikistan);
  4. Ақиқаттың дәмі ащы (poems) – Zharaskan Myrzamuratov (Uzbekistan);
  5. Кімді кінәларсың... (novellas and short stories) – Erbakhyt Nusipuly (Mongolia);
  6. Ұрпағың үзілмесін (short stories) – Mukhtasyrov Pioner Soltanovich (Russia);
  7. Қарасу жырлары (poems) – Lala Zhunisqyzy Zhumanova (Uzbekistan);
  8. Өрікті көл (novella, short stories) – Eleusiz Mukhamadiuly (Mongolia);
  9. Айтағалы салт атты (works) – Baman Kurmankhanuly (Mongolia).
The presentation of nine books published as part of the "Uly Dala 2024" series will take place