Kazakhstanis can be trained as Data Scientists for free at the Skills Enbek

16 May 2024

The Skills Enbek educational platform, which is part of the Enbek.kz e-Labour Exchange ecosystem, has expanded its list of free courses for new and continuing citizens with courses on Data Science, Python, internet security, product and HR management.

The project was implemented within the framework of cooperation with the Solidarity Fund for Kazakhstan in the fight against the pandemic COVID-19.

These courses are presented in the state and Russian languages, and their duration is 72 hours. It is planned that at the end of the courses the students will acquire certain digital skills or additional competences in a particular professional sphere.

For example, the Data Scientist course is designed for those seeking to master the field of data science. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of key aspects of Data Science, including data collection, processing, analysing data, and the basics of machine learning.

The Python for Beginners course is designed specifically for beginners and provides an introduction to programming in the Python language. The course covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of Python syntax to working with databases and an introduction to object-oriented programming.

The Internet Security Specialist course covers all key aspects of the Internet security, from basic concepts to offensive and defensive strategies in the digital space. The course aims to prepare professionals to effectively prevent, detect and respond to cyber threats in various domains.

The Product Manager course is designed for those seeking to develop a career in product management. This course includes the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful start in this dynamic and in-demand field.

The HR Manager course is designed specifically for those who are starting their professional journey in HR and want to learn the basics of HR management. The course provides the necessary knowledge and skills.

Skills Enbek offers a wide range of free and paid courses in various fields, allowing Kazakhstanis to acquire new skills or improve existing ones. In total, more than 408 thousand Kazakhstanis have registered on the platform, of which more than 51 thousand - in 2024. The number of courses on Skills Enbek reached 488, of which 254 are free of charge. Since December 2023, training on the courses is available through the mobile application Enbek, which can be downloaded on Google Play and App Store.

Users will receive a certificate of skill mastery, which will automatically be reflected in their CV on the Enbek.kz Electronic Labour Exchange.

Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstanis can be trained as Data Scientists for free at the Skills Enbek