We are announcing the international book publishing competition "Uly Dala - 2024"

01 June 2024
  • Announcement
  • The non-profit joint-stock company "Otandastar Qory" (Organiser) and the Republican Public Association of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan announce an international contest "Uly Dala (the Great Steppe)" for year 2024 to publish a collection of fiction, literature, historical works and scientific research on the history of migration and life vicissitudes of ethnic Kazakhs abroad, on their life and traditions, everyday life, literature and art, etc. The contest is aimed at publishing a collection of literary, historical works and scientific research on the history of migration and life vicissitudes of ethnic Kazakhs abroad.
  • Main purpose and objectives of the contest
  • Introducing our national history and culture from a new perspective by publishing works of famous foreign and Kazakh poets, writers, scientists and cultural experts on the history, culture and literature, science, education, art of ethnic Kazakhs abroad, their contribution to the development of Kazakh spirituality; wide coverage of famous names and works of representatives of ethnic Kazakhs abroad among the Kazakhstan public; strengthening the interest to our history and culture among the young generation, the revival of national consciousness.
  • Terms and procedure of the contest
  • Applications and works for participation in the contest will be accepted until the 1st of June 2024. There are no age restrictions for contestants.
  • Applications should be sent by e-mail (info@oq.gov.kz) or postal mail to the following address: Astana city, D. Konaev str. 12/1, the NJSC "Otandastar Qory" (8 747 178 3938 - Lashyn).
  • The works submitted to the contest will be evaluated by a jury which consists of famous poets, writers, prominent scientists and public figures. The jury will evaluate the submitted works and determine the winners of the contest by 1 August 2024. The decision of the jury will be published within 1 week on the official website of the NJSC "Otandastar Qory"
  • Contest terms and conditions
  • Ethnic Kazakhs abroad, compatriots, foreign and Kazakh poets and writers, historians, scientists, cultural, artistic and public figures, journalists, individuals and legal entities can take part in the contest.
  • For the contest are submitted works related to history, customs and traditions of ethnic Kazakhs abroad, literature and culture, theatre, sports, art, science, as well as works of famous figures and historical personalities abroad, memoirs, publications about them.
  • Joint authors and collections are also accepted for the contest.
  • The jury evaluates the works accepted for the competition:
  • - in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the contest;
  • - in accordance with the requirements of high moral, ethical and humanistic values;
  • - taking into account the literary and scientific style of language, content, specificity, artistry and authenticity; quality of the presented photo materials. The jury gives written opinions to the contest entries.
  • The works of the authors submitted to the contest should not have been previously published in Kazakhstan.  These works should have at least 2 reviews of famous literary and scientific authors. Works should be sent in Kazakh language (Cyrillic alphabet). Depending on the value, works in foreign languages may be accepted in special cases.
  • If, by the decision of the Jury, works published abroad in Arabic script and Latin script are recognised as the best, they may be translated into Kazakh (Cyrillic alphabet) and printed in a separate collection.
  • The books of the contest winners should be published by 1 October 2024.
  • Short data about the author: full name, social status, contact phone numbers and a photo in JPEG format should be sent to the contest. The full text of the contest work should be in "doc" format (font Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - 1).
  • By submitting a work for participation in the contest, the author/authors guarantee the existence of copyright for this work.
  • The author/authors authorise the Organiser to publish the work (in full and/or in part) in mass media, collections, internet resources.
  • The author/authors waive any financial claims to the Organiser. Works accepted for the contest are non-refundable.
  • Contest winners
  • The organiser will distribute the contest winners' works and published books free of charge to the largest libraries, scientific and cultural centres of the country. The electronic version of the books will be placed on the websites of the "Otandastar Qory" and the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
  • Information about the ceremony of presentation of the books of the contest winners will be published on the official website of the Organiser.
We are announcing the international book publishing competition "Uly Dala - 2024"